Across the country, people are becoming increasingly eager to return to the sports and activities that they enjoy. Individuals of all ages who rely on organized recreational activities for socialization and exercise have been carefully watching out for news of reopening - and we are sure that facilities are ready to welcome their members back as well. However, resuming activities in a safe manner that abides by the various and ever-changing pandemic parameters will likely require some fine-tuning.
Facilitating a smooth return to programs will inevitably look different, depending on the class in question. For recreation centers that host programs such as swim lessons or ice sports, there are a number of actionable items that can be applied that will help members feel supported and safe.
Ensure COVID-19 Best Practices Are Still Enforced
Until the pandemic has subsided to the point where life can return to normal, it is imperative to continue following the recommendations put in place in order to keep the risk of transmission down as much as possible. Some items to keep in mind include:
Encouraging members to wear masks when social distancing is not possible
Encouraging frequent handwashing and sanitizing, and provide places to do so within your facility
Limiting the number of members in one area at a time
In addition, implementing a COVID-19 tracking program which can ensure the continued safety of all members and staff - and giving members a heads-up to isolate if necessary - is an easy way to give everyone some peace of mind.
Adjust Class or Program Size
To avoid there being too many members in the same area at once, reducing the number of participants for certain activities is almost inevitable, at least for the first few months. It may be some time before everyone is comfortable being around a large group of strangers again. Research the regulations and recommendations in your region for how many people are considered safe per square footage as COVID subsides. Avoiding a breakout in your facility is a more profitable long-term move.
To manage the moving pieces, facilities can allow members to rent out time blocks in the swimming pool or ice rink, and allot time for staff to clean and sanitize the area before the next group comes in.

Consider a Tiered Approach
Looking to national-level associations could provide some inspiration into how to best go about reopening. In anticipation of the return to normal, Swimming Canada has suggested a phased roll-out, starting with advanced level swimmers and eventually making their way down to beginner levels. This strategy follows the idea that more advanced swimmers (or at least, adults versus young children) are more responsible and can be trusted to be the first group to demonstrate these best practices.
For ice sports, a different tiered approach has been constructed by the International Ice Hockey Federation, starting with opening rinks up for skill-based activity and training first and eventually reintroducing game play.
These mandates suggested by larger organizations can be thoughtfully applied to your smaller recreation facility. If your operation hosts different levels of sport, you could consider reopening in phases depending on your particular member demographic and monitor the progress slowly and steadily.
Communicate Updates to Members
 Perhaps the most important facet of any reopening plan is communicating changes to your members as they happen. During this time, providing a sense of clarity and openness is something that can help to set you apart from the competition and will be much appreciated by members trying to find information in a confusing time.  Make sure updates are communicated in all spaces that members might be looking for them, your website, and social media. In addition, sending emails out directly to your members can be a good way to personalize your messages and connect with your audience on a deeper level.  Univerus Member Management’s marketing functionalities allow you to send out uniquely crafted marketing materials to your members, targeting specific groups so that people only receive updates relevant to them. Also, your members have the opportunity to reply to your messages, facilitating secure communication between both parties.  Want to learn more about how Univerus Member Management's suite can help facilitate a safe return to swimming and ice sports at your facility? Contact us today!