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Essential Camping Tips for 2021 and Beyond

One of the best parts of life is the abundance of natural beauty the world has to offer. After many indoor activities were forced to temporarily close last year, many people turned to the great outdoors for fitness, adventure, and socialization. Among the most popular outdoor activities that captures all three of these ideals is camping. According to a recent study, the number of households that went on a camping trip in 2020 increased by over five times from the year before, and those figures are only going up. Camping is a fun way to explore the outdoors, connect with family and friends, and is suitable for virtually any age or fitness level group.   If you are thinking about embarking on a camping trip in the next few months, here are some of the best tips to make the most of your adventure.  

Research your campsite and its surroundings

  While camping might seem like a minimalist endeavour, there are several different factors one must consider before heading out. Conducting a fair bit of research into what kind of campsite you want to stay at (front-country, backcountry, comfort, etc.), what amenities you might want on hand (such as electrical or water) and what the general etiquette rules at your campsite are can all help ensure a smooth trip.   Many campsites are located near or in national parks, lakes, or short drives into small towns. In addition to exploring your campsite, there may be nearby attractions that could elevate your trip. It is important to have a rough guideline of what you might want to do, so you don’t miss out on anything special.  

Be prepared - but not overprepared

  Camping is typically defined by ‘roughing it’ and limiting creature comforts. This can inspire some people to bring all of the things they


they need to make their trip as comfortable as possible. And while there is a lengthy list of essentials that should always make the list, try not to go overboard. There are many counts of campers and backpackers overpacking items that they simply end up carrying around unused for the entirety of their trip.   Some items that can always stay behind include:  

  • Food that cannot be guaranteed to be safely cooked (i.e., raw chicken)

  • Extra electronics like laptops and iPads

  • Excessive toiletries

  • Anything heavily scented that could attract animals


Ask experienced campers for their insider tips

  There are a number of online resources that can help beginner campers prepare for their first trip or give intermediate explorers a refresher. As helpful as Google can be for researching a trip, there is sometimes nothing better than connecting with experts one-on-one.   If you have any friends, family or colleagues that are experienced campers, it is always worth it to reach out and see if they have any tips or recommendations for you. You can typically count on their advice being unfiltered and honest. If you are the maiden camper in your circle of friends, there are various helpful camping forums to ask answers for specific questions from other like-minded individuals.  

Check in with your campsite regularly

  If the last year and a half has taught us anything, it is that pandemic parameters can change on a daily basis. There may still be some lingering COVID-19 restrictions in many campsites across North America, and the restrictions that were in place when you booked your trip could very well be different now.   For example, some provinces across Canada are still restricting visitations to people from within the same provinces, whereas campsites in the United States tend to be more lenient.   Checking in with your campsite online, over the phone or through the campsite’s management software and marketing communication about any updates is a good way to avoid any confusion or disappointment down the road.   Univerus Member Management is happy to provide our camping partners easy-to-use, innovative software that help their customers enjoy their experiences. Contact us today to learn more about what we do.  

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