Winter is approaching and many outdoor sports activities will be coming in from the cold. When operating an indoor recreational facility, there is all the usual preparation to be done for winter programs, plus the extra planning associated with COVID-19. Facility management, scheduling, and member communications will all play an important role in keeping participants healthy and happy.
Always have a plan
The busy winter period will require impeccable organization. Facility managers need to maximize the use of their indoor venues with scheduling procedures that not only deal with reservations, but cancellations and no-shows too.
Automating the process is the way to go. Univerus Sport & Recreation member management software keeps an eye on registration and attendance, allowing staff to manage availability and keep programs running at capacity with little or no input.
Stay in touch with participants
Participants have to deal with numerous health guidelines these days, so to avoid confusion, regular updates and notifications are key. This is particularly important for any outdoor programs switching to indoor venues as there are several changes to communicate, such as additional safety measures (masks, social distancing etc.).
Again, management systems can help automate the member engagement process. Contact details are securely stored in the Univerus Sport & Recreation platform, allowing managers to set up instant notifications to ensure members never miss an update.
Not another form…
There has been a tidal wave of paperwork to deal with as businesses attempt to comply with various public health guidelines.
Paper permission slips and waiver forms have always been a nightmare for admin teams, so it is great that online forms can be set up to deal with most situations. However, the filing of those online forms is a task that is often left to staff members. This sometimes leads to misplacement, which in turn frustrates the customer and increases the risk of personal data breaches.
That’s where a comprehensive membership database can help. Every member’s personal information gets automatically stored within their own unique file on the system. The member data can be reviewed to see what is missing or needs updating (including consent forms). It makes the whole process safe, secure and straightforward.
Reassure guests
While web based technology can facilitate a smooth
customer experiencethrough automation, it is also important to retain a personal touch. Many participants will be anxious about taking part in indoor classes and programs at this time.
Children’s activities are under scrutiny as parents seek reassurance that it is safe to take part in indoor sports.
Univerus Sport & Recreation software lets you personalize the way organizations interact with their members. The mobile app is ideal for sharing consent forms and Health & Safety policy information as well as general updates.
Displaying this type of professionalism puts people’s minds at ease – members will certainly know that they are being cared for.